Hybrid & Traditional Learning » Virtual Fridays

Virtual Fridays

To allow for fewer contact days between students and staff, and to allow for deep cleaning of buildings, hybrid model students will not attend class in person on Fridays. All students must log on at the start of each class period. Teachers have the autonomy to decide based on student need, the focus on Virtual Friday: 

  • RTI (response to intervention) support 
  • Small Group instruction 
  • Interventions 
  • Remediation 
  • Re-teach skills 
  • Parent meetings during office hours 
  • Small Group with a focus on subgroups (SpEd, EL) 


High school students are still required to log on for the first 45 minutes and elementary students are required to log on for the first 30 minutes of each class before dismissing students to complete asynchronous assignments using Tier 1 Curriculum. 


Hybrid students without access to technology will be provided with learning packets designed using Tier 1 Curriculum to be returned on their next school day.