Coronavirus Closure Information and Resources » St. John FAQs

St. John FAQs

St. John the Baptist Parish Public Schools Coronavirus Closure FAQs
(Last updated June 3, 2020)


Will students have to make up the time lost during the spring semester? The requirement for instructional minutes has been waived. Students will not have to make up these days.


Will SPS be calculated due to the absence of LEAP? Due to the approved waiver provided by the LDOE, SPS will not be produced for the 2019-2020 school year. 


How were grades and promotion determined? For students in grades K-8 we copied the highest marking period as their final grade. In high school, the fifth and sixth marking period was used to calculate the final grade.  Final report cards were issued as follows: May 25 for K-11, May 15 for WSJH seniors and May 21 for ESJH seniors. Report cards, senior transcripts and other such documents were mailed to students' homes.


What program is being used for virtual learning? The district utilizes Edgenuity for the majority of middle and high school courses.


What is the school system doing to prepare teachers for effective virtual teaching? Continual professional development is provided to all teachers and administrators. We continue to work with NIET for extended professional development opportunities.


What can students and parents expect going into the summer months? Decisions concerning summer have not been finalized. However, principals, guidance counselors, and teachers are working to identify students who will require summer remediation. Summer school is scheduled for July 6-17.


What can students and parents expect going into the fall semester 2020? We are hoping to begin the school year as planned. However, administration is contingency planning for the start of the 2020-2021 school year. The Governor along with BESE will help us determine if school will open early/later, etc. 


Will there be a modified fall schedule? The schedule will remain as is at this time.


Will online classes be available for the fall schedule? The schedule will remain as is at this time. However, there is blended learning currently in the district.


What if I don’t have Internet access? Charter Communications is offering free Spectrum broadband and Wi-Fi access for 60 days to households with K-12 and/or college students who do not already have a subscription. Additionally, limited income households can apply for $5 to $10 per month Internet access through AT&T AccessCox Connect2Compete and CenturyLink Lifeline. RTC is offering Student Lite Internet for $25. You can also check out these links to educational apps that don't require Wi-Fi.



Will students have a graduation ceremony? Parents from both West St. John High and East St. John High responded overwhelmingly to our survey in favor of waiting until the "all clear" is given to hold traditional graduation ceremonies. If officials make the decision to allow such gatherings by the end of May we plan to hold graduations in mid-July. If this is not allowed before the start of the fall semester, graduations would take place in December during the Christmas break.


When will sports resume? The Louisiana High School Athletic Association has made the decision to resume sports on June 8.


What about testing? The ACT has scheduled June 13 and Oct. 6 as upcoming test dates. AP exams will be taken online. The College Board has provided online review classes for students. The College Board will be providing CLEP exam vouchers for registration tickets that expired after March 1. The exam voucher will be valid through June 30, 2021.


How will the closure affect my eligibility for TOPS? Please see the COVID-19 FAQs section of the Louisiana Office of Student Financial Assistance for information about TOPS.