Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

The Curriculum Department provides leadership and expertise in the areas of curriculum, assessment, and instruction in order to ensure high quality education for every student in St. John the Baptist Parish Public Schools.
Our vision is to ensure teachers implement the Tier 1 curricula, ensure alignment and assessment of the Louisiana Standards and guide a systemic teaching and learning framework which embeds research-based and instructional best practices. Inherent in the teaching and learning framework are the foundations for teacher effectiveness and evaluation processes using the Teaching and Learning Standards Rubric.

Our Goals:
  • To develop and implement a systemic vision for teaching and learning that results in student academic growth and achievement generating college and career ready students;
  • To build educators capacity and efficacy towards rigorous instructional planning and implementation;
  • To use district, school, and classroom assessment data to improve teaching and learning.

Our Targets:

  • To ensure high quality curriculum in all grade levels
  • To ensure high quality professional development for all teachers on the curriculum
  • To ensure high quality assessments
  • To  increase school-based capacity on “Best Practices” for quality instruction
  • To ensure teachers teach 100% of the curriculum to 100% of the students, 100% of the time
SJBP Curriculum Department: 
Jaimee Williams, Ed.D.
Chief of Academics  
Elementary (K-5) Team
Robyn Gibson-Bazile 
Interim District Curriculum Coordinator 
Randie Bailey
Curriculum Facilitator
Dr. Gail Brazile
Curriculum Facilitator
Secondary (6-12) Team
Johnika Gayden
Supervisor of Secondary Education (6-12)
Billie Dinvaut-Duncan 
Coordinator of High School Curriculum and Assessment

Candice Murphy
Curriculum Facilitator
Heather Reese
Curriculum Facilitator
Exceptional Student Services (ESS) Department:
Drenean Brown
Director of Special Education
Dr. Stacey Spies, Ph.D
Director of Compliance & Special Services 
Head Start and Early Childhood Programs:
Melissa Watson
Director of Early Childhood and Head Start