Digital Learning and Innovation
Our school district has made a significant investment in technology. Every classroom features an interactive whiteboard and our student-to-computer ratio is 1.1. Our technology staff members are experts in their field and are routinely called upon to lead sessions for other educators at state and national conferences.
The Digital Learning & Innovation department supports academic and operational technologies within the school district, including:
- coordination of the district’s technology and support
- installation and deployment of technology tools and resources
- planning and delivery of technology-related professional development
- evaluation of new and requested technologies
- planning for future-ready networks and systems
- installation and administration of servers, systems, and network infrastructure
- data collection and analysis
- long-range technology planning and budgeting
We intend that this vision will remain constant throughout our technology plan and that it will guide the day-to-day and year-to-year implementation of technology across St. John the Baptist Parish schools.
Coordinator Instructional/Educational Technology
Tanya Faucheux
Coordinator of Informational Technology
Brandon Baker