Bus Rules
It is the goal of the Transportation Department to provide SAFE, RELIABLE, and EFFICIENT bus service that meets the needs of students and their families. To ensure a positive bus experience and for their safety, students must follow the directions of their bus driver and follow all bus rules.
- Parents and guardians are encouraged to provide supervision at the bus stop until the bus arrives and remind students to dress for the weather.
- Bus routes are designed based on the physical addresses provided to each school's office. Immediately update the school office if you have a change of address or telephone.
- Parents and guardians can help ensure the safety of their children by selecting a bus stop that allows their student(s) to use a sidewalk (where available) and avoid crossing the street.
- Help students to be on time; the bus cannot wait for those who are not on time. Arrive at the bus stop 10 minutes prior to the scheduled time and stand at the bus stop ready to board the bus as soon as it arrives.
- Teach students to stand on the sidewalk or where a sidewalk would be so that you are plainly visible to the driver as the bus approaches. That will prevent a misunderstanding where students appear to be absent or going to school by other means.
- Behavior while riding the school bus is part of the overall learning process; Student and driver safety are of utmost importance.
- All East St. John High, STEM, and West St. John High students must wear school IDs when riding the school bus.
- A bus is considered an extension of the school; all disciplinary codes will apply.
Parents and guardians:
- Parents and guardians are encouraged to provide supervision at the bus stop until the bus arrives and remind students to dress for the weather (Rain coat, umbrella, winter coat, etc.)
- Be on time; the bus cannot wait for those who are not on time. Arrive at the bus stop 10 minutes prior to the scheduled time. In the event of an absent driver or mechanical problem, a replacement bus will be sent.
- Enter and leave the bus in an orderly fashion and in accordance with instructions using the handrail when available.
- Remain quiet enough not to distract the driver.
- As directed by the driver, be seated. Do not stand or move seats while the bus is in motion.
- The driver may assign seats.
- Obey and respect the directions of the regular or substitute bus driver.
- When exiting the bus, walk in front of the bus while the bus remains parked and never behind it. The driver shall see that the way is clear before the student is permitted to cross the road.
- Do not throw objects in the bus or out of windows.
- Do not extend arms or other parts of the body out of the windows.
- Do not eat or drink while aboard a bus.
- Be required to have written permission from their parents and approval by the school office to get off at a different stop. The written permission must be given to the principal for approval using the Special Request Form. Each request must be given to the school Principal for approval one (1) day before service is to begin. When reviewing the request the Principal shall contact Transportation to determine if space is available and confirm the correct bus assignment. The school office must present the approved form to the driver. Special transportation requests will be considered on a "space available basis." Students may only reserve space on one bus each morning and one bus each afternoon. Attendance zones rules must be followed.
Pre-K students
1. Pre-K students must be supervised by an adult at the bus stop for both the morning and evening routes.
2. Pre-K students should stand on the sidewalk or where a sidewalk would be so that they are plainly visible to the driver as the bus approaches. This will prevent a misunderstanding where students appear to be absent or going to school by other means.
3. As with students of any age, Pre-K students may only board the bus at their regular bus stop.
- Be courteous to and follow the instructions of the bus driver at all times.
- Be at their bus stop on time, dressed for the weather, to wait for the bus (Rain coat, umbrella, winter coat, etc.). Arrive at the bus stop 10 minutes prior to the scheduled time and stand at the bus stop ready to board the bus as soon as it arrives.
- Stand on the sidewalk or where a sidewalk would be so that you are plainly visible to the driver as the bus approaches. This will prevent a misunderstanding where students appear to be absent or going to school by other means.
- Exercise extreme caution in getting to and from their assigned bus stop.
- Look and check for traffic in both directions before boarding or exiting at their assigned bus stop.
- Look in both directions before crossing any highway or street.
- Do not play on or near the street while waiting for the bus to arrive.
- Stay well off the roadway until the bus comes to a complete stop and the bus driver indicates that it is safe to board the bus.
- Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before trying to load or unload.
- Use the handrail while getting on or off the bus.
- Do not bring unauthorized articles on the bus.
- No spitting on the floor of the bus.
- Do not throw waste paper or other trash on the floor of the bus.
- Do not mark, cut, tear or otherwise deface or damage the bus to protect your riding privileges.
- Avoid unnecessary conversation with the driver so the drive can concentrate on driving safely.
- Refrain from the use of profane language and/or obscene gestures.
- Talk in normal tone. Do not shout.
- Keep arms, head and legs inside the bus at all times.
- Do not horseplay or fight on the bus.
- Do not leave the bus without the driver’s consent, except at your regular bus stop or at school and through the front door only, except in an emergency.
- Report any damages to the bus driver at immediately.
Should any student violate any of these regulations, it shall be the duty of the bus driver to notify the principal. Violation of bus regulations may also result in in-school suspension or regular suspension from school. Written notice of the action of the principal shall be furnished to the parent and the transportation supervisor.
Violations of bus policy shall result in any of the following depending on the severity of the offense:
- Parental Conference with loss of bus privilege.
- Parental Conference with In-School-Suspension or Suspension and loss of bus privileges.
- Regular suspension from school and loss of bus privileges.
- In-School-Suspension with a recommendation of expulsion and loss of bus privileges.
- Out-of-School Suspension with a recommendation of expulsion.
Should someone other than the bus driver, such as school employees or other appointed persons, be responsible for students on the bus, the above rules will still be enforced and must be obeyed.
Any student(s) fighting while the school bus is in route, who when refusing to stop upon the bus drivers directive, causes the driver to pull off the road and make a 911 call, will be arrested at the scene. The bus driver will provide the student(s) with a written due process opportunity. This should be done only in extreme cases and as a last resort to protect the safety of other students.
Any student(s) fighting while the school bus is in route, who when refusing to stop upon the bus drivers directive, causes the driver to pull off the road and make a 911 call, will be arrested at the scene. The bus driver will provide the student(s) with a written due process opportunity. This should be done only in extreme cases and as a last resort to protect the safety of other students.