When will students attend school? While we remain in Phase 2, students will attend school either Monday and Wednesday (Green Platoon) or Tuesday and Thursday (Gold Platoon). Students will attend virtually the other three days of the week. If we return to Phase 1, all students would return to virtual learning.
How are schedules being determined? Schools are setting schedules taking into account family groups and other factors.
Will hybrid students receive computers? Virtual students will receive devices first. Based on how many are needed we may be able to issue devices to some hybrid students as well. We are working toward having a device for every student in the district. The goal is to have those in place no later than November. Students who do not have computers will be provided with high quality Tier 1 Curriculum materials to take home to complete on the scheduled virtual days.
Will students be required to wear masks? Students in grades 3-12 will be required to wear masks. It is recommended, but not required, that students in grades PreK-2 wear masks. The CDC does not recommend use of masks with one-way valves or vents nor the use of neck gaiters as a substitute for cloth coverings.
Can I change my mind and enroll in virtual learning once school starts? Parent requests to change from in-person to virtual learning before the end of the semester will only be considered in extenuating circumstances that are confirmed by a doctor’s medical excuse and approved by the school principal.
Where do I get school supply lists, schedules, etc.? This information will be provided by your school.
What is being done to keep students safe? Some, but not all, of the measures we are taking include:
- Temperature checks for students and staff.
- Buses operating at 50% capacity. Hand sanitizer required when entering and windows left open (weather permitting) to facilitate air flow.
- Masks required for employees and students 3rd grade and up. Recommended, but not required, for students in preK-2.
- Signage in buildings to direct students through schools, designating traffic flow, entrance/exits and proper social distancing. Class changes, arrival, dismissal, etc. may be staggered to reduce congestion and contact.
- Classroom groups will remain fixed to limit student contact to those within their class groups.
- Frequent handwashing.
- Frequent cleaning of high-touch surfaces.
- Cafeterias limited to 25 students at once and sitting 6 feet apart. Teachers may take students to other areas for lunch. Meals will be served in disposable containers. Cafeterias will be sanitized between classroom groups.
- Non-essential visitors limited.
What is the procedure if a student or staff member is identified as having COVID-19? Any student exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms while on campus will be immediately isolated until a parent can pick them up. Individuals in close contact with a student/employee diagnosed with COVID-19 will be identified and contacted as part of the Office of Public Health (OPH) contact tracing process. Close contacts will need to stay home for 14 days. This may not be every student at the school. School closure will take place if the school environment is determined to be a source of ongoing COVID-19 spread.