Child Search
St. John the Baptist Parish Public Schools (SJBP) assures that all children, 3 through 21, residing within the jurisdiction of the school system that have a disability and are in need of special education, related, and/or special services are identified, located and evaluated. SJBP through the Child Search Coordinator will document that annual and ongoing activities are conducted to identify and locate children suspected of being exceptional and needing special education services.
In accordance with the State Child Search Program, annual and ongoing activities are conducted to identify and locate children (ages 3 through 21) suspected of being exceptional and needing special education and/or related services.
Children enrolled in private or public school and who may be in need of special education services are referred to the School Building Level Committee (SBLC). The SBLC is a general education, data driven, decision making committee that review and analyze data to determine the most beneficial option(s) for individual students. The SBLC meets regularly.
Children from 3-5 years old, who are not enrolled in school and who maybe in need of special education services, are routinely screened during scheduled clinics at the Special Education Department/Milesville. Please contact the Special Education Department/Milesville at 985-652-9250 for more information or to schedule a child search screening appointment.